Virbac Diagnostics

Speed Mam Color

Speed Mam Color picture

Identification of bacteria and antibiotic sensitivity for mastitis

Presentation Advantages

Method: Mini culture tray

Analysis: 8 bacteria:

Streptococcus uberis
E. Coli
Enterococcus spp

14 antibiotics and associations:

Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid
Ampicillin + colistin

Penicillin + streptomycin
Sulphadimidine + trimethoprim
Tetracycline + neomycin + bacitracin

Sample: Mastitic milk

Preparation: 7 minutes

Reading: Antibiogram: 18 to 24 h

Identification: 48h

Storage: 16 months between 2°C and 8°C

Presentation: 5 tests

Reliability: In comparison with the agar culture technique:

Sensitivity: 92%
Specificity: 96% (1)

Specifically designed for the veterinary surgeon, Speed Mam Color can be used for simultaneous bacterial identification and antibiotic sensitivity testing within 24 to 48 h.

Speed Mam Color delivers an antibiogram directly to the sample, to mimic natural conditions.

Speed Mam Color helps to improve advice given to farmers and establish a justified prescription.

Why use Speed Mam Color ?

Over 37% of cows suffer from at least one episode of mastitis per lactation. Determining the etiological agent of mastitis by simply observing the signs has a reliability of only 62% (2).


Bacteriological diagnosis is a vital complement to the epidemiological suspicion. It ensures a reasoned prescription that is adapted to the herd's situation (3).

The evolution of mammary infections in herds necessitates regular bacteriological monitoring to adapt the prophylactic measures and the treatment plan (3).

When use Speed Mam Color ?

Speed Mam Color can be used to isolate and identify the agents responsible for an outbreak of clinical disease.

Following therapeutic failure or relapse, Speed Mam Color gives a precise etiological diagnosis and determines the antibiotic resistance profile.

Speed Mam Color can be used on several samples from the same herd for epidemiological monitoring and the periodic evaluation of the efficacy of the treatment plan.

Instruction for use

BVT DEMO MAM COLOR site web.jpg


(1) MANNER Y. Méthodes de bactériologie des mammites cliniques, bibliographie, étude expérimentale d’un test bactériologique rapide. Thèse Vétérinaire, Nantes 2001
(2) BERTHELOT X., BERGONIER D. Diagnostic bactériologique des mammites: pourquoi, comment et qu’en attendre? Bulletin GTV, 2001, 12, 31-33
(3) SERIEYS F., FAROULT B.: Plans de traitement des infections mammaires: diagnostic étiologique, Bulletin GTV, 2001, 12, 27-29