Virbac Diagnostics

Ovulation test

Ovulation test picture

Rapid semi-quantitative assay of serum or plasma progesterone concentration

Presentation Advantages

Méthod: Rapid membrane ELISA

Analysis: Semi-quantitative assay of serum or plasma progesterone concentrations

Sample: Serum, plasma

Preparation: 2 minutes

Reading: 10 minutes

Storage: 14 months between 2°C and 8°C

Présentation: 6 tests

Reliability: Ovulation TestTM is highly reliable in comparison with the reference method, RIA (Radioimmunoassay)

Concordance rate with the RIA = 93.5% (1)

Highly reliable, Ovulation Test measures the blood concentration of progesterone, a reliable indicator of the stage of the reproductive cycle in the bitch.

Quick and easy to use, Ovulation Test enables the practitioner to undertake regular, precise, and complete monitoring of the bitches seasons.

By predicting the precise moment of ovulation, Ovulation Test can help to increase the fertility rate by reducing the number of matings or inseminations.

Why use Ovulation test ?

20% of bitches ovulate outside of the period between the 10th and 14th day after the start of heat (2).

Observation of signs of heat is only an approximative method for determining the stage of the cycle.

The vaginal smear is the preferred technique for detecting the start of oestrus, but is not accurate enough to determine the optimal time for mating or insemination.

In the bitch, luteinization of the follicle starts 1 to 2 days before ovulation. The progesterone level thus progressively increases up to 5 ng/ml at the time of ovulation (1).

When use Ovulation Test ?

After monitoring the stages of pro-oestrus by smear, Ovulation Test can be used to pinpoint the optimal date for mating or insemination.

Ovulation Test can be used to investigate fertility disorders: silent heats, anovulatory heats.

During gestation, Ovulation Test can be used to help prevent the risks of abortion due to luteal insufficiency.

Ovulation Test is an indicator for determining the date of term and thus prevent dystocias in predisposed animals.

Ovulation Test can also be used in cows or mares for early pregnancy diagnosis.

Instructions for use



(1) TAINTURIER coll. Intérêts d’un test rapide de dosage de la progestérone (Ovulation® Test) chez la chienne. Vet Repro, 2001,3,27-30
(2) GUERIN C. et coll. Fécondité chez la chienne après saillie ou insémination artificielle. Point vétérinaire, 1997, 180, 51-56